How to Enable AccessiBe for a Zuddl Event

AccessiBe is a tool that lets users apply accessibility customizations to web pages, making them ADA-compliant. Apart from helping users with special needs, this also allows regular users to customize the event page for their convenience and comfort.
To enable AccessiBe in your event:
  1. Login to the Zuddl dashboard and create an event. Learn more about creating an event.
  2. On the event setup page, go to Settings.
  3. Toggle on AccessiBe.

AccessiBe settings

AccessiBe is toggled off by default for all new events.

Attending the Event

On enabling AccessiBe, the option appears inside the event as a floating icon on the lower right side of the screen.

Accessibe on Event Side.png

Clicking on the icon shows all the accessibility settings that can be configured by the participant.

AccessiBe Adjustments.png