1. Prerequisite
To authorize Zuddl to access your Marketo account you need the following:
- API Endpoint
- Client Id
- Client Secret
Refer to the following instructions to obtain the above information from your Marketo dashboard.
- On the top navigation menu, click Admin.
- Now on the left navigation menu, go to Integration > Web Services.
- In the REST API section, copy the Endpoint value (leave out “/rest” from the API) and store it to be used at a later point.
- Now, go to LaunchPoint (under Integration). This displays all the LaunchPoint services as Installed Services.
Click New > New Service.
- On the New Service creation form, enter the following:
- Display Name: Enter a suitable display name.
- Service: Choose Custom from the dropdown.
- In Settings section, enter a suitable Description.
Choose a user for API Only User.
If no user shows up in the dropdown, you need to create a new user with API-only Role permission). Learn how to invite a new user with specific roles.
Tip: While creating a new user, you may enter any email address as a valid email address is not required.
- After you’ve entered all the details, click Create.
- Once the new service is created, from the list view, click View Details for the new service.
From the Details screen, copy the Client Id and Client Secret and store it securely along with the API Endpoint (already stored from a previous step) to be used for authenticating your Marketo account on Zuddl.
Once you have stored these keys, you can start the
installation on Zuddl.
Next step: Install Marketo on Zuddl