How to Integrate Parmonic with Zuddl
Integration steps
- To enable Parmonic integration for your organization in Zuddl, you need to reach out to with the following details:
- Organization Name: Name of your organization in Zuddl
- Organization ID: Entered by our CS team
You do not need to create users in Parmonic as Zuddl creates a user, the first time you click the Go to Parmonic button. Once the user is created, you can click on the button again to access your Parmonic dashboard.
Push a Recording
- Go to a session recording within the event setup dashboard or from the common dashboard.
- Expand the session recording and click on the more options button.
Click the Push to Parmonic option.
This redirects you to your Parmonic dashboard and initiates the process of sending the push recording to Parmonic.
- On your Parmonic dashboard, modify the following details:
- Video Title: Title of the video. By default, the recording takes the session recording name set in Zuddl.
- Video Language: Language of the incoming audio. Defaults to US English.
Click Next
Next, select the AI radio button and click Next.
Choose your settings for video in the Glamorizer step and click Next.
- On the next screen, click Submit. This submits the video for processing.
On Zuddl dashboard, a banner shows if a particular session recording is being processed in your Parmonic account.
Note: The estimated processing time is shown in the banner. The estimated processing time is the maximum time taken to process the video fetched from Parmonic.
Once the video is processed and uploaded, you receive an email notification regarding the same. On your Parmonic dashboard, you can view your Zuddl session recording in the list of videos as shown below.
After a video has been uploaded, you can see the Edit in Parmonic option in Zuddl for the particular Zuddl recording.