How to Duplicate a Zuddl Event

Events on Zuddl can be duplicated — you can have a nearly identical replica to use as a new event.
This can be helpful for cases where you want to create a new event based on an older event or if you want to reuse a canceled event. Duplicated events have most of the event setup intact from the original event, and you can edit them like regular events.

Changes in the duplicated event

Some event settings cannot be copied and must be applied again in the duplicated event. Here are these settings:
Settings Status Instructions
Integrations Not copied Integrations need to be configured for the duplicated event.
Tickets Not copied Ticket tiers and customizations need to be set up again.
Registration page Copied
Only pages using the Basic or Sponsor template are copied.
Custom fields in the Registration Form Copied Custom fields in the form are copied.
People Not copied All attendees and speakers need to be invited again.
Access groups Copied
Ticket-based access groups are not copied; any other access groups are copied.
Schedule Copied Any scheduled sessions are copied and rescheduled according to the start time of the duplicated event.
Stage Not copied
RTMPS live stream settings, and Breakout rooms need to be set up.
Rooms Copied Moderators need to be invited and assigned to all copied moderated rooms.
Expo Copied Booth owners need to be invited and assigned to all copied expo booths.
Communication Copied All emails are copied but are toggled off by default.

Duplicating an event

To duplicate an event:
  1. Click the more options button on the event listing.

    Click the options button

  2. Click Duplicate event.

    Click Duplicate event

  3. This opens a new event settings page with original event values. You can edit the Event name, Starts on date, and Timezone.
  4. Under These settings will be duplicated section toggle off the settings you don't want to be duplicated.
    • Event setup
    • Access groups
    • Registration
    • Communication
    • Venue setup

      The registration page needs to be published after duplication.

  5. Click Duplicate. The duplicated event is now added to the listing page. You can now edit and host the duplicated event like a regular one.

The duplicate event is scheduled one day after the day of duplication by default.