How to Invite Speakers to a Zuddl Webinar

You can invite speakers by going to People > Speakers. By default, this is how your screen would look like:

Empty state for Speaker list

Adding your speaker

Click on Add speaker on the top left corner of your screen. It will open up a side drawer with a form for your speaker details.

After clicking on 'Add speaker'

Details like First and Last name and Email are mandatory. Once you fill in, this is what your form will look like.

Adding a profile picture and a brief description to your speaker's profile can significantly improve the overall credibility of the speaker.

filled Speaker Form

You need a square 300x300px image for the speaker profile picture.

Sending Confirmation emails

Once you've added your details and clicked on 'Add Speaker,' you'll see a prompt for sending an email invite to the speaker. It is recommended to click on Send email.

Confirmation email for speakers

Once you've added your speaker

it will appear in your speaker list like this:

Importing CSVs for Speaker Details

You can import speaker details in bulk by uploading a CSV on Zuddl. Click on the CSV Dropdown on the top right corner:

Importing CSV to add Speakers in bulk

You'll see a side drawer open with an option to upload your CSV.

Make sure your CSV follows the exact format mentioned in the Uploader.

Following the CSV Format for Speaker Upload

Download CSV of added speakers

Once you've added all speakers, you can also download the entire list from the same CSV Dropdown on the top right corner.

Importing CSV to add Speakers in bulk

Resend or edit the Speaker invite.

By clicking on the three dots next to your Speaker listing, you can edit or resend your invite.

Extra options for the invite