How to Create and Assign Speaker Tasks
Using the portal setup, you can create and assign tasks to your speakers. These tasks can be shared with your speakers before the event, to prepare for their session. As an organizer, you can also review the task status using the speaker portal.
Follow these instructions to set up a new task:
- To create a new task, go to People > Speakers > Manage tasks tab. To create a new task, click on the Create a task button.
- In the task creation page, add a Task title, Description, a Due by (date and time) for the task, and click on Select speakers to choose the speakers to assign this task.
- In the popup that opens, select the checkboxes against the speakers to select them. You can also change the Due by (date and time) for individual speakers. Once done, click Confirm selection to select the speakers.
- Once the speakers are selected, click Create task to finish the task creation process.
- Now, you can see all the tasks created in the Manage tasks tab and the task progress, which shows how many speakers completed the task out of the total speakers who have been assigned that task. You can also edit or delete the task from any speaker using the more options (3-dot icon) menu.
- Click on any task to view the speakers assigned to it. You can also unassign the task from any speaker using the more options menu.